(Gives you a lap dance)
Gang gang gang
Age 26, Male
Co. Antrim, Ireland
Joined on 8/15/07
(Gives you a lap dance)
Dis be gittin' funnier.
<a href="http://rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.ytmnd.com/">http://rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.ytmnd.c om/</a>
No comment of yours cannot entertain me.
<a href="http://ssssssssssssssssss.ytmnd.com/">http://ssssssssssssssssss.ytmnd.com/</a>
i got an idea...
Chuck Norris once visited the Virgin Islands. Now they're just the Islands.
I have just given you an e-cookie. You have served me well.
May the force be with you.
Honour to have you here, sir. :D
I'll tell you an awfule joke!
*Knock knock*
person1 "Who's there?"
John "John"
person1 "John who?"
John "Who the fuck is John?"
*da dum tsshh*
Heh, made me chuckle.
Who the fuck is John, by the way?
(Finishes lap-dance, money shots you)
Oh really. I prefer a Ninja Star duel.
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRuNxHqwazs">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRuNxH qwazs</a>
I am starting to like you more and more. ;)
First of a long line.
<a href="http://steamsteamlol.ytmnd.com/">http://steamsteamlol.ytmnd.com/</a>
Say next and I'll give you another. =3
*gasp* It's been so long since you did it!
Next plzkthxbai.
O RLY? Ok then. (Throws a ninja star into your eye)
Made a new blog
...Omg is that eye blood?
*dodges, throws back*
PTKFGS and YESYES are "alternate" forms of YTMND, and are what the YTMNDs would be had the founder picked a different slogan from the same movie. YTMND stands for You're The Man Now, Dog, PTKFGS is Punch The Keys For God's Sake, and YESYES... is Yes, yes.
These are the PTKFGS and YESYES versions of lol, internet.
<a href="http://internetomg.ytmnd.com/">http://internetomg.ytmnd.com/</a>
<a href="http://yesyeswtfinternet.ytmnd.com/">http://yesyeswtfinternet.ytmnd.com/</a>
Also, <a href="http://lolbtx.ytmnd.com/">http://lolbtx.ytmnd.com/</a>
That's quite a few. :O
wow. the entire internet at your hands, and you forget about hacking into the pentagon. to relieve your boredom, why not blam a few submissions.
I don't have the whole intarwebz, my PC's still broke. D':
keeef clubs seels
Be dis tr00?
Respect for Keeeeeeeef +5.